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Jakarta, the majority of women admire men who have a deep voice because it is considered authoritative. Recent studies have found a scientific reason why women prefer men with heavy voice, because women's brains more easily capture a man's deep voice.

According to a study by scientists at the University of Aberdeen, heavy and low sound is critical for the accuracy of her memory in the brain thus making it easier to remember a man the owner of the voice. This is why many women prefer men with heavy voice.

The study found that based on the tone of voice of a man, woman assess the quality of genetic and behavioral traits when looking for long-term partner. Women are more relying on memory to provide fast information about the characteristics and behavior of the prospective partner.

"Our findings show that memory is enhanced by the sound of her low-pitched male voices. Our experiments demonstrate for the first time that the signal of the opposite sex is important to choose a partner, also affect the accuracy of her memory," explains David Smith, principal investigator, as reported by the Telegraph Friday (16/09/2011).

Dr Kevin Allan, research supervisor, said that this is proof that evolution has established a woman's ability to recall information related to the man they want.

"A good memory makes it possible to compare women and men evaluate based on behavior in the context of different relationships, such as long-term relationships versus short-term committed relationships who are not bound. Waniya This will help to choose a suitable partner," explained Dr Kevin Allan.

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