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Jakarta, Most people only managed to lose weight a little while, but after it failed to maintain her weight remained stable for the long term. How to lose weight is ideal, reducing the caloric intake of food or many moves?
There is an assumption that increased physical activity had little influence on weight loss when compared with the extra calorie reduction in food intake. Some examples are doing a lot of sports but his weight did not go down.
But according to Dr. Kevin D. Hall of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, things happen just the opposite.
If a man weighing 220 pounds (99.8 Kg) perform additional physical activity by running 12.5 miles (20 km) per week at moderate speeds, then he can lose weight more and more rapidly, compared with only reduces the number of calories in her diet.
According to him, many moves can be useful for maintaining weight in a stable position rather than simply reducing portion sizes. So after a diet of calorie reduction is highly recommended to maintain weight with a lot of moves.
Studies on more than 5,000 participants in the National Weight Control Registry has shown that they are losing much weight and still can keep for years after doing 2 ways to continue physical activity, aka a lot of moves after routine checks reduce calories and weight.
In a new study published in The Lancet as quoted by The New York Times, Thursday (22/09/2011), Dr. Hall explains how weight people can slowly continue to rise even if the person does not change their diet and exercise habits.
What happens if people reduce calories only, or just exercise alone?
Reduce Calories
By cutting 250 calories per day, for example by eating less or a half cup chocolate ice cream will be able to cause weight loss about 25 pounds (11.3 kg) for 3 years.
Instead of weight gain can occur even if the person does not realize it. The trick just by adding little amount of calories consumed than calories used. By simply adding 10 extra calories per day then it was able to raise the weight an average person of 20 kg in 30 years.
But unfortunately most diets that do a lot of people just managed to lose weight in the first 6-8 months, then the weight gradually climbed back in subsequent years because of simply relying on calorie reduction without balanced with physical activity to keep it.
Although it reduces the additional calories per day, but results will not be immediately visible because the business takes time. Weight loss also occurred more slowly for obese people than in leaner people.
Many of Motion
Some people add physical activity, which sometimes makes them compensate by eating more. Then, desperate because there is no progress and instead reduce physical activity so the weight back up.
Nevertheless, Dr Hall said physical activity is still important for weight maintenance. When people are committed to lowering the number of calories to keep her had to do physical activity. A lot of motion but still with eating a lot of it will be difficult to lose weight.
By looking at calorie reduction plus or minus a lot of moves, Dr. Hall said that to maintain stable body weight requires a long-term commitment of the person concerned. Reducing calories is necessary but must be balanced with physical activity in order to keep body weight stable to long term.
This means that weight loss can not be done instantly and more effectively done in two phases, namely;1. Changes in diet and physical activity are more aggressive to more stable weight.2. The second phase is more relaxed but still run the behavior changes that can prevent weight gain again.
Dr. Hall also found the diet can not be generalized to all people. Different people will also vary his diet way. This explains why some people can lose weight more quickly than others, even though both ate the same food and doing physical exercises are the same.

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