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Jakarta, laughter can improve blood circulation to the male sex organ that is claimed to make men better intercourse. But for people with impotence, laughter does not provide benefits for sexual ability.
A recent study at Oxford University suggests that laughing can make people feel relaxed. This psychological effect is believed to have an impact on the physical condition, including blood circulation to the male sex organs.
Effects laugh as expressed in the research is of course very interested in people with impotence. As a result, many assumptions have sprung up, that laughter can cure the disorder is not necessarily the most feared men.
As is known, impotence can indeed be triggered by two factors such as the psychological and biological stress such as circulatory disorders. Because laughter can relax and blood circulation, then the assumption is quite reasonable.
But recently, a complaint related impotence convey the results of such research. A citizen of the United States aged 42 years, Dave Williams admitted it can not erect even after two days trying to have sex with a giggle.
"There is no effect. My wife read an article about the study, and then began to laugh at my penis two consecutive days. There is absolutely no help me cope with my condition," said Williams, as quoted from Newsthump, Wednesday (21/09/2011).
The same criticism is also conveyed by a spokesman of the foundation or erectile dysfunction Erectile Dysfunction Foundation. According to him, a lot of research about the impotence that seems serious but in reality nothing more than a joke.
According to the spokesman, until now the best medicine in the sense most efficacious for erectile dysfunction or impotence is the official medicines prescribed by doctors. While the safest course of relaxation, because there are no side effects.
"Laughter of course, can aid in relaxation and we could not agree more about it. But that does not mean impotence can be cured only with giggling like a hyena starving," said the spokesman who is not named.

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