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Jakarta, many of them think that having sex every day can make a greater chance of pregnancy. In fact, ejaculate too frequently can actually reduce the volume of sperm and reduce fertility qualities. At least give pause 3 days for you to be a tough stud.
Ejaculation (sperm expenditure process) is done too often can reduce the number and volume of sperm. A study showed ejaculate twice a day may lower sperm count 29 percent, while the ejaculate three times a day can lower sperm count up to 41 percent.
If you want to be male fertile and speed up the pregnancy, at least give pause for 3 days to ejaculate, either through masturbation or intercourse.
This relates to the time it takes the testes to produce sperm and make it mature enough to fertilize the female egg cell.
A healthy man will produce 70-150 million sperm per day. Sperm is present in the semen which is the average normal volume of semen produced at ejaculation is 2-5 ml (half to 1 tablespoon of the size of England).
Sperm are produced in the testes and takes over 70 days (10 weeks) to become mature. Mature sperm can wait for two weeks in an area called the epididymis (the sperm storage reservoirs), which is above the testis, before they can leave the body in semen during ejaculation, as reported by Netdoctor, Thursday (09/22/2011).
The development of sperm begins from cells called spermatogonia. Spermatogonia divide to produce spermatocytes, which then develop into spermatids. Spermatids develop its tail and the cell gradually to acquire the ability to move. Spermatids eventually develop into mature spermatozoa.
This process takes about 60 days and the sperm then takes 10 to 14 days more to pass through the channel of each testicle.
In addition to reducing the volume of sperm and fertility, too frequent ejaculation can also affect health.
When ejaculation will stimulate the body's parasympathetic nervous function. However, when stimulation is too much, then the body will produce sex hormones and neurotransmitters such as acethylcoline, dopamine and serotonin excess.
Too many hormones and neurotransmitters can cause brain and adrenal glands to convert dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine in excess, which will cause the brain and body functions are very sympathetic. Ejaculating too often will cause major changes in body chemistry.
Although ejaculation is considered a healthy sexual behavior, but if practiced too often can cause psychological and physiological imbalances.
Chemical changes in the body will cause the following side effects, as reported by hbbase:

Lower back pain
Hair loss or thinning hair
Weak erections
Premature Ejaculation
Eye or blurred vision
Groin or testicular pain
Pain in the pelvic cavity
Memory problems

For adult males over the age of 30 years, you should do ejaculate 2 times a week and men over the age of 50 years at least once a week. For young men 2 to 3 times a day may be fine. But this is not the rules, only guidelines according to modern scientific observation.

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Jakarta, One thing that is recommended for people with diabetes is exercise. But to know what steps to do to stay safe while exercising.
Sport has the potential to control diabetes through drugs such as non reducing disease severity as well as significantly reducing the risk of long-term complications.
Other benefits can be gained is to burn calories, helps the body respond to insulin, improve circulation, especially in the arms and legs, helps reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure and reduce stress.
Even so there are some things to do during exercise so as not to cause injury or wound, because people with diabetes tend to have a longer recovery time and potential complications.
Here are some things you should note, as quoted from Lifemojo, Friday (09/23/2011), namely:1. Talk with your doctor to find out what a good sport to do2. Exercise regularly, ideally at the same time every day, and adjust the schedule of meals and insulin injections3. But avoid injecting insulin into the muscle to be used during exercise, because insulin is absorbed rapidly so that it can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)4. Avoid exercise when blood sugar levels are low, so check blood sugar levels before and after exercise5. Try to eat high-carbohydrate about 15 minutes before exercise6. When you exercise wear cotton socks and comfortable shoes that fit and, once completed check whether there are foot injuries, abrasions, irritation or other injury because people with diabetes tend to be more resistant (numbness)7. If you feel any numbness or reduced feeling in the legs, then choose a low impact activities such as walking, cycling or swimming and avoid jogging8. If you have heart problems, should not exercise its own9. Or high-impact strength training is not recommended for people with uncontrolled diabetes.10. Exercise can lower blood sugar levels, so keep in mind the signs of hypoglycemia during exercise, such as headaches, rapid heart beat, confusion, weakness, stop exercising immediately.11. Try to bring the glucose food such as chocolate, sweets or sweet drinks, because hypoglycemia can occur during exercise or a few hours later.

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Jakarta, It's unfortunate fate of this mother and daughter. After her mother was diagnosed with cancer, now the new toddler aged 15 months also have experienced the same suffering. Both are now undergoing treatment and fought together against cancer.
Kezia Fitzgerald (28 years) and his daughter Saoirse 15-month-old has a lot in common. Both were blond and blue-eyed bright, easy laugh and always share the love. Unfortunately, the two women's bodies are equally riddled cancer.
"It's frustrating. It's not fair. At the same time, there is nothing you can do to change it. The only thing you can do is heal and treat themselves," said Fitzgerald, who lives in Danvers, Massachusetts, as CNN reported on Thursday (22/09/2011).
Fitzgerald Hodgin was diagnosed with lymphoma, cancer of the lymph nodes that are part of the immune system. And five months after Fitzgerald received a diagnosis of cancer, her little daughter Saoirse was also diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a malignant tumor that develops in infants and children.
Neuroblastoma is a malignant tumor that develops in infants and children when nerve cells are immature cells turn into tumors and not the fiber. The tumor usually begins in the adrenal glands, above the kidneys and produce hormones. This is one of the most common type of cancer for infants and children, after leukemia and brain cancer.
Neuroblastoma can be formed in the chest or adjacent to the spinal cord and spread to the bone, bone marrow, liver, lymph nodes, skin and space around the eyes.
This is not the first time that cancer had attacked two family members at the same time. There have been a case of father and son who were diagnosed with prostate cancer doubles, and mothers and daughters battling breast cancer. But rarely a young mother and babies aged 1 year to share experiences and get chemotherapy hair loss together.
Fitzgerald experienced cancer began when she was pregnant. During her pregnancy in 2010, Fitzgerald saw swollen lymph nodes in his neck. He did not think much about it, because he had previously swelling during allergy season. It does not hurt, just make the neck appear uneven.
But one month after she gave birth, on the right side of neck swelling persisted Fitzgerald. Doctors later said he suffered from Hodgkin's lymphoma stage three. Malignant tumor that has spread to the neck, chest and abdomen Fitzgerald.
He thought the time was how he would look after her baby during cancer treatment. He also could not breastfeed because of Saoirse chemotherapy and PET scans use radiation.
However, one day her husband saw Saoirse not nimble as ever. Even more surprising, he had a black bruise in his eyes, like looking up a fight.
"He woke up and his eyes were swollen. Her eyelids black and blue and yellow, like he had hit his eyes," said Fitzgerald.
Saoirse too fussy and vomiting. He experienced swelling in both ears and a bulge the size of the egg on his right temple. His head looked like was going to explode.
Doctors found a tumor in the abdomen Saoirse. He was in the fourth stage of the malignant cancer called neuroblastoma. The cancer had spread so widely through the adrenal gland, bone marrow, tiny ears and entire body.
Saoirse require immediate chemotherapy. And Fitzgerald also still have to undergo cancer treatment. Saoirse receive monthly chemotherapy that can last three or four days. The hardest part for parents is to listen in trouble Saoirse.
"I want to hug him and take the pain and let him have peace. As a parent, I just have to focus and know, it's to help him better," explained Mike, the father of Saoirse.
But according to doctors, the cancer did not hinder the development of Saoirse. Saoirse has high energy and stood up to walk and communicate.
Now that surgeons have raised both adrenal glands Saoirse because of damage from cancer. But without these glands, he must take hormone replacement steroids for the rest of his life. Saoirse also will undergo a stem cell transplant using his own cells to rescue bone marrow.

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Anyone would be annoyed if you have trouble sleeping. Sleep disturbance or insomnia it can disrupt the body's cycle. Even prolonged insomnia can trigger depression.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by symptoms such as always feel exhausted and tired all day and continuously (more than ten days) had difficulty sleeping. Or the patient is often awakened in the middle of the night and can not go back to sleep. Often the patient woke up earlier than wanted and can not go back to sleep.
"Like millions of other Americans who have problems with insomnia. I often have problems with insomnia, both can not fall asleep, or wake up before their time, and I can not go back to sleep. Some of the following sleep tips gathered from various sources, can help other people with insomnia , "explains Simeon Margolis, MD, PhD. Nutrition for Health Professionals section.
Well, when you include people with insomnia, which was launched following a few tips on Yahoo Health, Sunday (03/07/2011) can help people with insomnia to sleep immediately fell asleep.
1. Only use the bed for sleeping, but not for reading, doing paperwork, watching television, a snack or make a phone call.
2. If you've been lying in bed, but the sleep you did not come, try some of these techniques: Counting sheep or counting backward from 100 (my favorite one) to stop yourself from thinking about the various kinds of problems yesterday or tomorrow. After that, breathe deeply for a few seconds in depth, lasting a few seconds, then exhale. Or you can also see some point in your room carefully, so that the eyes were tired and sleep will soon be ambushed.
3. If you can not sleep after lying in bed for 30 minutes or more, what to do? Try to read something really boring, familiar routine of the day sleeping normally, or faster than the previous hour.
4. Before bed you should avoid tobacco and beverages containing caffeine (not just coffee, but other beverages such as tea and soft drinks).
5. Avoid alcohol before bed. When a drink might make you think can immediately give a sense of sleepiness was not right. Since you can get to sleep, and then get up and difficult to sleep again because of the effects of alcohol are consumed. Conversely, if you choose to dinner several hours before bedtime, this solution is more appropriate. The reason is, eat a few hours before bedtime can make sleep seem asleep.
6. Avoid sleeping in front of the television, and try to get up at the same time each day instead of sleeping in on weekends. Exercise every day to sleep and wake at the same hour in order to train your adrenaline.
7. Buy mattress and design of your bedroom well ventilated and the temperature set that makes you fast asleep.
8. You can also try some other ways, among them: a hot shower, enjoy a glass of warm milk, eat a light snack before bed, massaging each other with pasangat or listening to classical music
9. Use earplugs if you include people who can not sleep when they hear the noise.
10. If you have joint pain or headaches, take sleeping pills before bed (but be sure not contain caffeine).
If all the above tips have been done, but still suffer from insomnia. Ask your doctor to ensure basic health problems (such as depression, anxiety, hyperthyroidism, heart failure, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) that trigger you to stay awake. So, you can request one of several types of prescription sleeping pills that can be consumed for the short term.

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Jakarta, laughter can improve blood circulation to the male sex organ that is claimed to make men better intercourse. But for people with impotence, laughter does not provide benefits for sexual ability.
A recent study at Oxford University suggests that laughing can make people feel relaxed. This psychological effect is believed to have an impact on the physical condition, including blood circulation to the male sex organs.
Effects laugh as expressed in the research is of course very interested in people with impotence. As a result, many assumptions have sprung up, that laughter can cure the disorder is not necessarily the most feared men.
As is known, impotence can indeed be triggered by two factors such as the psychological and biological stress such as circulatory disorders. Because laughter can relax and blood circulation, then the assumption is quite reasonable.
But recently, a complaint related impotence convey the results of such research. A citizen of the United States aged 42 years, Dave Williams admitted it can not erect even after two days trying to have sex with a giggle.
"There is no effect. My wife read an article about the study, and then began to laugh at my penis two consecutive days. There is absolutely no help me cope with my condition," said Williams, as quoted from Newsthump, Wednesday (21/09/2011).
The same criticism is also conveyed by a spokesman of the foundation or erectile dysfunction Erectile Dysfunction Foundation. According to him, a lot of research about the impotence that seems serious but in reality nothing more than a joke.
According to the spokesman, until now the best medicine in the sense most efficacious for erectile dysfunction or impotence is the official medicines prescribed by doctors. While the safest course of relaxation, because there are no side effects.
"Laughter of course, can aid in relaxation and we could not agree more about it. But that does not mean impotence can be cured only with giggling like a hyena starving," said the spokesman who is not named.

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Jakarta, Most people only managed to lose weight a little while, but after it failed to maintain her weight remained stable for the long term. How to lose weight is ideal, reducing the caloric intake of food or many moves?
There is an assumption that increased physical activity had little influence on weight loss when compared with the extra calorie reduction in food intake. Some examples are doing a lot of sports but his weight did not go down.
But according to Dr. Kevin D. Hall of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, things happen just the opposite.
If a man weighing 220 pounds (99.8 Kg) perform additional physical activity by running 12.5 miles (20 km) per week at moderate speeds, then he can lose weight more and more rapidly, compared with only reduces the number of calories in her diet.
According to him, many moves can be useful for maintaining weight in a stable position rather than simply reducing portion sizes. So after a diet of calorie reduction is highly recommended to maintain weight with a lot of moves.
Studies on more than 5,000 participants in the National Weight Control Registry has shown that they are losing much weight and still can keep for years after doing 2 ways to continue physical activity, aka a lot of moves after routine checks reduce calories and weight.
In a new study published in The Lancet as quoted by The New York Times, Thursday (22/09/2011), Dr. Hall explains how weight people can slowly continue to rise even if the person does not change their diet and exercise habits.
What happens if people reduce calories only, or just exercise alone?
Reduce Calories
By cutting 250 calories per day, for example by eating less or a half cup chocolate ice cream will be able to cause weight loss about 25 pounds (11.3 kg) for 3 years.
Instead of weight gain can occur even if the person does not realize it. The trick just by adding little amount of calories consumed than calories used. By simply adding 10 extra calories per day then it was able to raise the weight an average person of 20 kg in 30 years.
But unfortunately most diets that do a lot of people just managed to lose weight in the first 6-8 months, then the weight gradually climbed back in subsequent years because of simply relying on calorie reduction without balanced with physical activity to keep it.
Although it reduces the additional calories per day, but results will not be immediately visible because the business takes time. Weight loss also occurred more slowly for obese people than in leaner people.
Many of Motion
Some people add physical activity, which sometimes makes them compensate by eating more. Then, desperate because there is no progress and instead reduce physical activity so the weight back up.
Nevertheless, Dr Hall said physical activity is still important for weight maintenance. When people are committed to lowering the number of calories to keep her had to do physical activity. A lot of motion but still with eating a lot of it will be difficult to lose weight.
By looking at calorie reduction plus or minus a lot of moves, Dr. Hall said that to maintain stable body weight requires a long-term commitment of the person concerned. Reducing calories is necessary but must be balanced with physical activity in order to keep body weight stable to long term.
This means that weight loss can not be done instantly and more effectively done in two phases, namely;1. Changes in diet and physical activity are more aggressive to more stable weight.2. The second phase is more relaxed but still run the behavior changes that can prevent weight gain again.
Dr. Hall also found the diet can not be generalized to all people. Different people will also vary his diet way. This explains why some people can lose weight more quickly than others, even though both ate the same food and doing physical exercises are the same.

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Jakarta, the majority of women admire men who have a deep voice because it is considered authoritative. Recent studies have found a scientific reason why women prefer men with heavy voice, because women's brains more easily capture a man's deep voice.

According to a study by scientists at the University of Aberdeen, heavy and low sound is critical for the accuracy of her memory in the brain thus making it easier to remember a man the owner of the voice. This is why many women prefer men with heavy voice.

The study found that based on the tone of voice of a man, woman assess the quality of genetic and behavioral traits when looking for long-term partner. Women are more relying on memory to provide fast information about the characteristics and behavior of the prospective partner.

"Our findings show that memory is enhanced by the sound of her low-pitched male voices. Our experiments demonstrate for the first time that the signal of the opposite sex is important to choose a partner, also affect the accuracy of her memory," explains David Smith, principal investigator, as reported by the Telegraph Friday (16/09/2011).

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Jakarta, Many things can affect the fertility and quality of sperm produced. But was the use of underwear that is not appropriate to interfere with male fertility?

Several studies show evidence that certain types of underwear that is used by men can affect sperm production and are also likely to have a child.

"Wearing tight underwear is not good for sperm production because it can make the body temperature rises," said Dr Sarah Meachem male fertility as a researcher, as quoted from, Wednesday (09/14/2011).

Rising temperatures around the testicles of a male has been shown to reduce sperm count and some studies suggest the use of tight clothing can affect fertility.

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Although there are many common diseases that we know not yet known cure, it turns out in the world is still a lot of strange health problems, no known cause, a rare, let alone no cure.

Here are 7 of the most bizarre and controversial.

1. Disease Morgellon

We may have experienced itching of the skin because there is something crawling on the skin. But there are some people who often feel there is something moving under her skin.

Morgellon disease, the name of the disease, is a condition in which a person feels itchy and felt something crawling and biting under their skin.

According Morgellon Research Foundation, people who suffer from this condition also see there are layers or fibers that appear on his skin. They also suffered wounds in the skin, fatigue and memory impairment. Not yet known causes of this disease but some experts say the disorder is caused due to mental illness and others suggest that the trigger is a rare skin disorder.

2. Alien hand syndrome

According to an article published in the journal Archives of Neurology in 2004, people who suffer from an alien hand syndrome often felt his hand move, reaching or grasping something out of control.

One case was a 81-year-old grandmother who suddenly left hand strangling his own throat and punching his face. Grandma also had sensory and visual disturbances.

A study in 2009 showed people who suffered from an alien hand syndrome is most commonly caused by strokes on the right brain. Other studies mention the part of the brain that controls movement may be uniquely free to become active.

3. Cotard syndrome

Cotard syndrome is often called delusions cotard and walking corpse syndrome is a rare condition where a person thinks he is dead or decaying bodies. This syndrome is usually experienced by people suffering from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. But people who suffer from migraines, tumors or trauma are also reported to often experience this strange disease.

4. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

People suffering from this syndrome have a remarkable body flexibility. They also often have skin that is easily stretched. But in general they are easy to swollen skin and a long recovery.

Most people who suffer from Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is known to have mutations of COL5A1 and COL5A2 genes. Estimated 1 in 5000 people have this syndrome. There are different types and variations of this syndrome.

5. No fear

People who have no fear, including the genetic disorder that causes hardening of the structure of the brain responsible for fear responses. Year 2010 and reported a woman had the initials BC suffering from this disease. The woman had no fear response.

6. Always passionate

For people who suffer from persistent sexual arousal syndrome, orgasm only made them a sensation of shame and stress than satisfaction. This disease occurs due to hypersensitivity to orgasm just because a small pressure, sometimes even without any trigger even if they do not feel the passion.

This syndrome was first diagnosed in 2001 but the cause is unknown. Women who suffer from this syndrome are usually feel embarrassed, isolated and stressful condition.

7. Crying Blood

Shed tears of blood, or in medical language is called haemolacria generally suffered by women of childbearing age who are menstruating. Although blood is not always seen in the eyes. Haemolacria can also occur because of severe eye disease.

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Jakarta, currently the incidence of noncommunicable diseases is increasing in number. But among the many non-communicable diseases, there are four main types of non-communicable diseases that affects many.

Non-communicable diseases are also called chronic illnesses suffered for a long time and grow slowly. Four major non-communicable diseases are cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke), cancer, chronic respiratory disease (lung disease and asthma) and diabetes.

"The disease is not contagious attacks the productive age group, so that could affect the nation's economy and productivity," said Minister of Health Dr Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, MOH, DrPH National Meeting in the event the Partnership Strategy Control of Communicable Diseases in Strengthening Health Systems in the Era of Decentralization in Balai Kartini, Thursday (08/18/2011).

Minister of Health said treatment for non-communicable diseases takes a long and costly, so not only affect the economy of the sufferer but also their families.

"Four of this disease does not include mental health, although not cause mortality but this condition can become chronic," said Menkes.

Meanwhile, Minister of Health said in a draft state budget of 2012 reflection on health is only increasing slightly. It required cooperation from various parties such as the cross-government and private sectors, professional organizations, community organizations and all levels of society.

"Therefore, prevention activities are needed and well-planned structured so that the impact can be seen in the coming years. This program should not be done alone but work together with others," he said.

In addition Indonesia is currently facing a double burden, where infectious disease remains a significant health problem but at the same time morbidity (illness) and mortality (death rate) due to noncommunicable diseases is increasing.

An increasing number of non-communicable diseases are triggered by various risk factors including smoking, unhealthy diet (eating less fruit and vegetables), lack of physical activity and have unhealthy lifestyles.

Some non-communicable diseases control programs have been done by the government since 2005 such as the promotion of clean and healthy behaviors as well as tobacco control issues (related regulatory areas without a cigarette).

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Cat's whiskers is a medicinal plant of wet trunked plants upright. This plant is known by various terms such as: kidney tea plants / java tea (UK), giri-giri angry (Sumatra), remujung (Central Java and East Java) and songot koneng (Madura). Plants derived from the cat's whiskers tropical Africa, then spread to Asia and Australia.

Local name: cat's whiskers (Malay - Sumatra), cat's whiskers (Sunda), remujung (Java), a salaseyan, songkot koceng (Madura). Whiskers cat species found in Java is O. aristatus, O.thymiflorus, O. petiolaris and O. tementosus var. glabratus. Clone a cat's whiskers are grown in Indonesia is white and purple flowering clones.

Leaves wet and dry cat whiskers beneficial use as medicine. In Indonesia, the dried leaves used (simplicia) as drugs that facilitate the expenditure of urine (diuretic) while in India to treat arthritis. Public use cat's whiskers as a traditional medicine as an effort to cure a cough rheumatism, colds and constipation. Besides, the leaves of this plant are also useful untu treatment of kidney inflammation, kidney stones, diabetes, albuminuria, and the disease syphilis.

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White revolution as the intelligence to realize the ideals of the nation's mandatory to be implemented. Just like the question of consumption levels are still low, the preferences of the people will kind of milk is also demanding a correction. More than 80% of world consumption of milk in liquid form, and certainly Indonesia did not go in it.

Milk is a natural drink, is rich in nutrients that are difficult to surpass. In Arab culture, he termed as the drink of the prophets. This is partly because no less, Muhammad, his prophet Muslims refer to milk as a beverage most important and advisable to consume them every day. As a Muslim-majority country, Indonesia would logically adopts what the prophet taught. But the facts say otherwise. Not in line with the logic, the Indonesian nation was recorded as a people with a bad pattern of milk consumption.

Milk consumption levels of Indonesian society is still very low which is a separate issue and requires systemic corrective action, because it determines the quality of human resources in Indonesia, both aspects of health and intelligence. But, in addition to the still low level of consumption, preference (choice of) the community will be the type of milk consumed are also demanding a correction. Senyampang issue a new level of consumption at the point of 9 kg / cap / yr alias 1 cup per week, aka 20 drops per day, there is wrong anyway, from Indonesia in the way people consume milk. Indonesian society is more familiar with milk powder instead of fresh milk or fresh milk. More than 90% of the citizens of this country used to consume milk powder or condensed form, and no more than 10% who drank daily in liquid form. In fact genious, people of the world consumes in the form of fresh milk or fresh milk, as it often appears in the movie-movie from the developed countries.

"More than 80% of the world consumes in the form of fresh milk, which Indonesia certainly not enter therein. Indonesian society is much more familiar with processed milk, powdered or condensed form. "Similarly, comments Dedi Setiadi, Chairman GKSI (Joint Cooperative Susu Indonesia) in Bandung TROBOS met last June. This fact is regrettable Dedi, and thought must be straightened. Because the consumption of fresh milk can be sure to give better profit than processed milk. He reasoned, than originally created with the advantages of milk rich in nutrients that are not owned by any other food, so that the excessive manipulation of some of the benefits would be reduced. Drinking fresh milk is the most appropriate choice to obtain the perfection of the benefits of a glass of milk.

Weak point of Milk Powder
According to Dedi, milk powder processing plant results that many in the market, its main raw materials are imported milk. Called Dedi, imported milk is not milk but the milk that has been completed eliminated its butterfat (fat), "His name is skim milk powder (skim milk powder)." In the processing into milk powder is added as a fat substitute from palm oil (palm oil) . So that the fat is vegetable fat instead of animal fat anymore. So milk that has undergone a modification which is the main ingredient of processed milk is sometimes also called recombined milk. Instead of fresh milk straight from a local cattle ranch.

Found separately, Ali Khomsan nutrition experts from the IPB does not fully agree with that view. In her opinion, nutrition, milk powder contains nutrients that are not different from fresh milk. Nutritionist in the processing industry has been counting the balance of nutrients in it. He confirmed, during the processing of several substances such as vitamins that are vulnerable to the heat will be damaged. But to counterbalance this, the manufacturer affixes vitamins provide a replacement, and some other elements, in lieu of reduced nutrition during processing. In principle, there is no problem in terms of nutrient content throughout the presentation of rules and procedures met the consumer.

According to Ali, the main purpose is to milk as a source of calcium, while other nutrients such as protein and vitamins are owned several other animal food with higher levels. "So milk is a major source of calcium, is the main substance of the milk," he explained. From a glass of milk contains 300 mg of calcium. And as also mentioned in a scientific journal American output, either fresh milk, low-fat milk (1%) and nonfat milk contains calcium equivalent. That nothing less than low-fat milk, except for fat. (See table).

Calcium (mg) Kalories Fat (g)
Fat free / Skim 300 90 0
Low-fat (1%) 300 100 02.05
Less fat (2%) 300 120 5
Whole milk (3.25%) 300 150 8
Low-fat chocolate milk (1%) 290 160 2.5

However, Ali pointed out, the consumption of powdered milk has a major weak point in the standard presentation. There are several critical points that have the potential to make a glass of milk ready to drink is not equivalent to fresh milk. Presentation of errors can be caused because the level of consumer understanding is still lacking, or can be caused by arson. With ngirit reasons, not infrequently the users of powdered milk to reduce the dose accordingly. "The milk is considered, as long as it's white enough. Though the concentration is absolute, "said Ali. Not to mention the matter of hygiene is often a constraint in the presentation. Level of public awareness Indonesia would "hygien" still low, conditions of hygiene to close the entry of germs opportunities often not ignored. These critical points to minus points from the presence of a glass of milk from milk powder.

Ali was very fully support the efforts of drinking liquid milk. "The culture of drinking milk societies to be changed gradually," said Ali. Not only reason milk powder has a value of minus, as explained, but also because of drinking fresh milk will give you profit from the price aspect. During this milk by some people still considered a luxury item that was bought. That's because it is in the subconscious is the processed milk available on the market in expensive packaging. Not so when the milk fresh. Fresh milk certainly more affordable.

Chairman of the Board of dairy, Teguh Boediyana provide information on how to compare the price of milk powder with fresh milk. Say, 1 kg of milk powder equivalent to 8 liters of fresh milk, the milk powder in the packaging box 800 grams equals 6.4 liters. With prices ranging from Rp 48 thousand / boxes can be calculated per liter of fresh milk equivalent of Rp 7,500. While the current price of milk at the cooperative level is absorbed IPS Rp 3,600 for TS 12% (excellent quality). These calculations illustrate the price of milk powder per liter of fresh milk equivalent of twice the purchase price of fresh milk directly at farmers. With a more affordable price of milk, milk consumption will be more evenly to the layer that has been untouched. In turn, the cultural consumption of fresh milk will encourage increased intake of milk nationally. So the campaign for Ali to drink fresh milk is more on the reasons for the boost consumption levels, rather than nutritional reasons.

Creating Alternative Markets
Changing culture is not easy, it takes effort not easy and inexpensive. "It takes a lot of party's commitment to change this mindset. And the main draft no-can-not be the government! "Back Dedi who is also Chairman of West Java GKSI stressed. Especially dealing with the promotion of powdered milk advertising in various media. "The image thus processed milk high polished on mass media advertising, to the substance of their milk sink in between the exposed particle substances in milk," said Dedi. "Moreover, sweetened condensed, 80% of the ingredient is sugar. So that means drinking milk sugar taste, "he joked. But it was packaged in such a way that the shortage is gone altogether.

The first step is most likely and reasonable to do is to introduce fresh drinking milk at school children. "This group must get used to drink fresh milk or fresh milk," said Dedi Ali is also presented. Both convey, the meaning of fresh milk or fresh milk is pasteurized milk and UHT milk (Ultra High Temperature) are mostly found in the market. Slightly different, Smith said another one, milk sterilization. But according to Ali in principle the same sterilization and UHT.
Producing liquid milk is not difficult, according to Smith's conviction. All primary cooperatives capable of producing liquid milk, "The problem is, the market is still small because of cultural factors earlier." So the idea of ​​a program that has the impact of the creation of the market than ever. "The government formed a captive market, cooperatives provide a product," he expressed the idea. He proposed movement of children drinking milk at school for example PMTAS (Supplementary Food Program for School Children) further intensified. "Getting used to drink milk once a week, with funding from the government, so intelligent solutions," said Ali matching.

Funds could be from the education department, or departments of health or social. Smith added that the program is only temporary. "Two years for example, then the child will be accustomed or addicted to milk and voluntarily use the allowance to buy milk," Dedi algebra. What happened during this, children are not accustomed to drinking milk every day in the middle of play or school activities.

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What is the difference between cow's milk allergy and lactose intolerance, since both are almost the same characteristics, namely diarrhea when consuming cow's milk.

According to the explanation Prof.Dr.dr. Hananto W. Dipohadiningrat, SP.A (k), allergens are cow's milk protein from cow's milk, while lactose intolerance due to issues of human lactase enzyme.

Incidence of allergy to cow's milk does not directly look after the children drank milk. After repeated consumption of cow's milk no problem, until such a time of cow's milk makes child has diarrhea. Another feature of milk allergy appear reddish or itching in the body after drinking cow's milk.

While in the case of lactose intolerance, diarrhea occurs immediately after the children consume milk. Because it is in the child's body does not exist / lack of lactase enzyme that digests lactose.

In the case of cow's milk allergy, the body reacts to the core substance called immunoglobulin. So, when children consume cow's milk, her body will make antibodies, the longer he is eating, growing high-antibody. When it had passed the threshold of antibodies, then comes the allergy.

Incidence of allergy most often experienced by young children, especially children under the age of one year. In adults there is also found but very rarely due to cow's milk allergy usually disappear with age.

Children who suffer from allergies to cow's milk will generally be given milk substitutes in which the protein of the already hydrolyzed cow's milk (cow's milk proteins are already broken down into small particles or partial hydrolize). Milk is known by the term or regular milk that hypollergenic dituils on the packaging of HA.

When feeding is already hydrolyzed is fixed trigger allergic children, the alternative is extensive hydrolyzed milk (milk where the protein is broken down into smaller particles again).

If the allergy is still, inevitably the child should consume milk amino acids (proteins made into the smallest, called amino acids) which is relatively expensive. Usually after a child is given the amino milk consumption for long he could stand to cow's milk and can eat them.

Well, to find out more certainty whether the child is truly allergic to cow's milk allergy tests can certainly be done.

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Surely we must have known that the human brain has an important role to control the human body and control according to what we want. The brain has a very vital role to support the activities in our daily lives. With a healthy brain and smart of course, we can achieve goals that we want (of course also be accompanied by effort and hard work that maximum) as well.

Less than the maximum performance of the brain that can cause disability or even someone interrupted or disabled to perform normal activities. Many types of diseases that attack the brain, one of which is a deadly disease such as Alzheimer's disease that afflicts legendary boxer Muhammad Ali. Alzheimer's disease can make a man paralyzed in a non-physical, so even though the physical organ of the body is still normal and healthy but if exposed to these kinds of diseases can cause memory derastis reduced. There are even some cases of Alzheimer's disease can make the sufferer can only recall the memory of time for 5 minutes.

According to research conducted, but closely related to genes or heredity, weakening the ability of the brain memory performance is closely associated with the style and pattern of life that we do in everyday life. Following the pattern of life that need attention in order to keep our brains functioning smarter and stay well:

If we have a pattern of life often gives the body intake of alcoholic beverages (even more so we're living in a tropical country, so it can certainly keep the alcohol from the body which we love!), Then you should immediately leave this bad habit! Research conducted in Negari Uncle Sam USA, showed that people who frequently consume beverage alcohol would be more likely to experience cognitive decline by 40 percent when compared with those with normal patterns of living away from alcoholic beverages.
Should increase consumption of fruits rich in content to the concentration of oxidants such as apples, and quercetin. Because according to the study will contain quercetin concentrations of oxidants and can help minimize damage to brain cells caused by free radicals that are very difficult to avoid if we live in an environment perkota's what it is today.
Expand to consume vegetables that are rich in folate which can be found vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, etc.. The content of folate may help reduce the risk of deterioration of speech.
Expand consume fatty fish such as salmon, where fish are rich in omega 3 content that can help reduce plaque by up to 70 percent. For additional information ya, content levels of plaque in blood vessels is one characterize begin the presence of deadly diseases such as Alzheimer's.
Always try to apply the correct diet to eat in moderation, especially do not overdo it! Because according to the pattern of research that led to excessive eating causes obesity (if dah dech ndut diet, tired dech!) Can increase the likelihood of increased content of plaque in blood vessels. Hmm ... Emang really not good if you eat too much! He4x ...
Take regular exercise such as getting used to walking every day. By doing regular exercise then it may make blood circulation more smoothly (including the blood circulation in the brain).
Dementia is one of the other diseases that attack the brain, which can be stimulated in the presence of cholesterol and blood pressure abnormalities. A study in the U.S. mengukapkan that in addition can lead to heart attacks, diabetes and smoking can also cause dementia.

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Jakarta Despite a healthy body weight and condition of the body fit, but if you are less activity then it only takes two weeks to alter the metabolic and fitness. The body can change from fit so fat (fat) in just 14 days.

The results of new studies that have been published in the Journal of Applied Physiology showed that only took 2 weeks reduced the activity to see significant changes in metabolism and fitness.

One study says if a person used to live healthy by walking 10,000 steps every day, then reduce it to 1,500 steps per day, there will be 7 percent increase in abdominal fat after 14 days, although he still retains a normal diet.

Reduction activity of walking will also lead to lower VO2max capacity (the body's ability to use oxygen) by 7 percent, reduced muscle strength and worsen insulin sensitivity.

In addition, it only took 3 days reduced the activity to see elevated levels of blood glucose after eating, which over time will increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

The study focused specifically on non-sporting activities, like walking around the complex, walking to the bus stop or just to walk toward the desk colleagues.

"There is epidemiological evidence that shows even in people who exercise regularly, sitting too long can be associated with an increased risk of disease," explained John P. Thyfault, PhD, assistant professor at the University of Missouri, as reported by Menshealth on Monday (8/15/2011).

Thyfault suggested arose from his seat every 15 to 20 minutes and move around. If the skeletal muscles become totally inactive for long periods of time, then the body will initiate biochemical changes that lead to insulin resistance and blood glucose.

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Jakarta, Chikungunya fever, bone or make sufferers have a fever and pain until the bone was like that even severe arthritis can become paralyzed.

Chikungunya virus caused named Alphavirus and transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti. This virus can not be eradicated and there is no cure. But now scientists are able to create a vaccine that can prevent Chikungunya.

"Today I have found no treatment or vaccine is approved for chikungunya, but there is a real need of an effective vaccine to protect these infections. So far we see this vaccine could meet that need," said Scott Weaver, director of UTMB's Institute for Human Infections and Immunity in the Galveston National Laboratory, published online in the journal PLoS Pathogens and the ScienceDaily quoted as saying on Monday (8/15/2011).

Symptoms of Chikungunya include high fever accompanied by chills up the sense of pain stabbing through the muscle and bone so that bone is also called the flu.

Although the symptoms are severe, the virus that causes the disease is not eradicated so that the medication is given only to cope with symptoms such as fever were given to overcome the fever. Fortunately, these symptoms only last between 5-10 days and will heal by itself.

The disease is still an epidemic in India, Southeast Asia and Africa. Currently, the researchers combined the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Inviragen Inc.. in FColorado, University of Wisconsin, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the University of Alabama has developed a new candidate vaccine to protect humans from the threat of this virus.

This experimental vaccine in the form of a recombinant live attenuated vaccine, the vaccine created by genetic modification of Chikungunya virus. Manufacturing uses techniques developed with support from the Western Regional Center of Excellence in Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases, which is headquartered at UTMB.

The resulting vaccine strain differs from wild type Chikungunya virus in two ways which do not cause disease and are not able to infect mosquitoes.

The nature of the latter is very important as a safety feature to ensure that vaccine strains can not initiate the transmission in the health area. The goal is that tourists can be immunized before traveling to Africa or Asia but can generate an immune response against Chikungunya infection in the future.

Like the live virus, the vaccine is also relatively economical to produce in large quantities. This factor is important given the limited resources in the area afflicted by outbreaks of chikungunya.

"We need to slow the virus in India and Southeast Asia, not only to protect the people there, but also to reduce the risk of possible disease outbreak in here after the tourists go home infects. The best way to do this is with a vaccine," says Weaver .

UTMB has signed a licensing agreement with Inviragen for the commercialization of new vaccine candidates. In addition, both partners have been selected to receive grants from the National Institutes of Health United States amounted to U.S. $ 3 million over four years to complete this project.

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Cyst disease is a disease affecting women. Cyst itself is a fluid-filled bumps in the ovaries. This disease is a benign disease, because most do not handle the big operation. However, based on the level of malignancy, cyst disease can be divided into two kinds:

1. Non-neoplastic cysts, that are benign and will usually deflate their own after 2 to 3 months

2. Neoplastic cysts, these cysts are generally required surgery, but it also depends on the size and nature

According to Drs. dr. T. Z. Jacoeb, SpOG-KFER, cysts can not only grow in the ovaries ovariom or women only, but can also grow in the lungs, intestines and even in the brain. Cyst disease can be caused by air pollution and dust.

The presence of dioxin from the factory smoke and combustion gases can lower motor endurance of human body which will later help the growth of cysts. Apart from dietary factors, excess fat or fat are not healthy will lead to fatty substances can not be broken down in metabolic processes that will increase the hormone testosterone.

There are four kinds of ovarian cysts. Functional cysts, dermoid, chocolate (endometriosis) and gland cysts (cystadenoma). Until now still not known how the occurrence of cysts. Usually grow very slowly and common malignancy in the age over 45 years. Of the four cyst is the most widely and frequently shrink itself along with the improving of hormonal balance is a functional cyst.

Cyst disease also can be said or hereditary degenerative diseases. If parents or your grandmother had suffered from cysts or uterine disease, then certainly you are including one of descendants of hereditary cystic disease.

However, the nature does not mean that people with cystic disease, you can prevent the onset of cyst disease with a healthy lifestyle. Avoid foods high in fat, rajinlah exercise and consume foods and beverages that contain antioxidants. Because antioxidants can counteract the free radicals from dust and air pollution.

Although even peynyakit cysts include benign disease, but at this disease has the potential to become malignant disease. And if it had to be like that then it should be treated seriously. Although it has not yet malignant, cysts if terplintir will result in pain that is very sore.

Some symptoms of the onset of cystic disease are pain during menstruation, lower abdominal pain, often felt like a large or small bowel, and the circumstances that have been advanced can be palpable lump in the abdominal area. And if the cyst ruptured, such as during intercourse, the patient will feel increased pain when doing heavy physical activity.

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Do you know if Young Coconut Water Good for consumption, if you've been thinking that coconut water can relieve thirst just when you're thirsty. Here are some reviews of the benefits of young coconut water has many benefits for the health of our bodies.

Coconut juice turned out to have properties and exceptional nutritional value. Not only the macro elements of nitrogen and carbon, but also much-needed micro elements in the body of coconut water. Nitrogen element inside a protein molecule composed of amino acids, such as alanine, cystine, arginine, opy, and serine.
Compared to the amino acid contained in cow's milk, amino acids contained in coconut water was higher. While the carbon element can be found in the form of simple carbohydrates such as glucose, sucrose, fructose, sorbitol, inositol, and others. Similarly, micro elements in the form of coconut water mineral ions needed as a substitute for the body. Worthy indeed, when the young coconut drink our body feel fresh again.

When examined further, coconut water was also concentrated sources of vitamins. Among the dominant vitamin C, nicotinic acid, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, and riboflavin. No wonder the coconut water is also used as an ingredient of traditional medicine as well as beauty. In addition, in particular, coconut water is rich in potassium (potash). Besides minerals, coconut water also contains sugar (varying between 1.7 to 2.6 percent) and protein (0.07 to 0.55 per cent). Because the nutrient composition as such, the coconut water has the potential to be used as raw materials for food products.

In the Philippines, coconut water is used for the manufacture of beverages, jelly, alcohol, dektran, vinegar and nata de coco. In Indonesia, used as a drink of coconut water (coconut water) and the media making nata de coco.

What are the benefits of coconut water?

a. Coconut water is efficacious as a diuretic, which is to expedite expenditure of urine. Young coconut water mixed with a little lemon juice is useful to overcome dehydration, also to combat disorder in the stomach worm small children.

b. If a young coconut water mixed with milk is very good for children's food. Young coconut water mixtures have properties to prevent clotting of milk in the stomach, vomiting, constipation, and gastrointestinal upset.

c. Coconut water also has a variety of efficacy as medicine. Among other things, to drink young coconut water can also help overcome the toxic effect of other antibiotics and sulfa drugs, making drugs more quickly absorbed the blood.

d. Wash your face with coconut water continuously every day can cure or eliminate acne, black spots, wrinkles on the face that came early, dry skin, and face to look radiant.

e. Mix coconut milk with a little honey. This herb is a cheap but nutritious tonic. This herb stimulates the body's sexual centers and eliminate the harmful effects of excess sexual arousal.

f. Stubborn acne can be treated with a mixture of 25 grams of turmeric paste with a glass of coconut water, then left for the night, then add 3 teaspoons of red sandalwood powder. Stir, stir all ingredients until blended, then saved again undisturbed for 3 days. Strain mixture was with three layers of gauze. Save the juice earlier in the bottle, and apply on face twice a day until the acne disappears.

g. Coconut water is also efficacious as a medicine injuries, broken foot, and eczema. Creating a potion is relatively easy. Soak a handful of rice in a young coconut water with its shell until the rice turns sour because of fermentation, then the rice milled into fine powder. Rice flour is used topically every day for 3-4 days in the sick body.

h. If a young coconut water mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder and water whiting in equal measure is a cure burns and negate the burning sensation on the soles of the feet and hands.

Well, apart from that nothing else ya coconut water types that are known to neutralize the poison, he is a green coconut. Green coconut is sometimes a best medicine for some diseases such as: heartburn, constipation, neutralizing toxins, dengue fever, intestinal worms, dysentery. When used for washing the face, then the benefits of green coconut can eliminate acne, smooths the face skin, tightens the skin (anti aging) and when used to wash it, can prevent the onset of gray hair. In addition, green coconut can also be used as therapy gurah, how to condense a night green coconut water, then drink morning. When this is done every morning, God willing, the sound will become longer and tuneful.

Yups, something like that benefit young coconut water which turned out very much we get when taking it. Hopefully posting times useful to readers as well.

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Jakarta, sagging breasts often a concern that pregnant and lactating mothers. It is often the reason some women who do not want to breastfeed her child. Though there are several ways that no sagging breasts after pregnancy and lactation.

Breast sagging is actually mostly due to genetic influences. This condition is also normally occurs in older women because breast tissue melorotnya, regardless of whether the woman had given birth or not.

But that does not mean preventing or slowing the process of breast sagging is impossible. In fact, women can do several ways to keep the breast still tight, including after giving birth and breastfeeding.

Here are some ways that no sagging breasts after pregnancy, as reported by LIVESTRONG on Monday (8/15/2011):

1. Choose the right bra
Wear clothes that support during pregnancy. Protect breasts from sagging begins before birth. As the pregnancy progresses, your breasts will become larger. Just follow its growth by buying a bigger bra. Sticking with an ill-fitting bra will cause discomfort and will not provide proper support to the breast.

2. Monitor weight gain during pregnancy
According to the Mayo Clinic, weight gain 11 to 16 pounds a healthy weight gain that occurs in pregnant women. If the weight gain of pregnant women exceeds that amount, the excess weight will spread throughout the body, including the breast. The greater weight increase during pregnancy, the more relaxation processes that occur in the breast.

3. Keep skin moist
Maintain skin moisture can keep the skin supple so as to prevent any breast engorgement.

4. Prepare some bras after giving birth
When you breastfeed, your breasts will change size gradually. When the baby is still young and frequent feeding, the breast is relatively larger. Then when the babies start adding solid foods, the breast will return to pre-pregnancy size. But if you do not breastfeed, do not expect your breasts will return to normal soon.

5. Reduce weight slowly
Do not rush to lose weight because of child-bearing age can affect the skin elasticity. In order to remain taut breasts after giving birth, derive the weight slowly.

6. Do exercise that tightens the breast
Sports such as lifting weights can strengthen the muscles that support the chest and back. Exercise not only helps you lose weight and reduce stress, but also can strengthen the muscles that support the breast tissue, the muscles in the back, which helps you to stand upright.

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Before you understand more about the symptoms of brain cancer, you need to understand the structure of the human brain first. The brain is an important organ that regulates all activities / movement of the human body. Just imagine you're riding, how many activities you do? Looking at the road, driving, look left-right, see the rearview mirror, balance, not to mention while thinkers about what to eat tonight ... Within one second, there riburan things happen in your brain (both of which occur consciously or unconsciously).
The brain can be multitasking like this because all activities are governed by different brain parts (each part has a different function). In general, the human brain is divided into three parts, namely a large brain (cerebrum), cerebellum (cerebellum) and brain stem (brain stem). Each part is divided again into smaller sections, where each small part is divided again, and so on. Interstellar space is filled with the liquid part of the brain (cerebrospinal fluid), while the exterior is protected by three layers of the lining of the brain (meninges) and bone of the skull.

Well, every part of the brain can be affected by the tumor / cancer. Although benign tumors, but because of the growth in the brain, can be very dangerous. The tumor may interfere with the function and structure of the central nervous system damage, because it is located inside the cavity is limited (cranial cavity). Along with the development of these tumors, brain tissue will be more depressed. Whereas the volume of cranial cavity is very limited and unlikely to grow. This is what makes the headaches / dizziness as an initial symptom of brain cancer.
Baseline characteristics of brain cancer vary widely, depending on where the affected part of the brain. For example headache or feel nauseated. Here are the symptoms of brain cancer that you should be aware of:

headache accompanied by nausea to vomiting spray
visibility is reduced
impairment of consciousness or behavioral changes
speech disturbances
hearing loss
walking disturbance / body balance
weakened limbs or seizures
in infants are usually large protruding crown
Remember, the above list is only a symptom. Even if you experience one or more of the above symptoms, you are not necessarily affected by brain cancer. To make sure, you should be examined immediately by a physician neurologist and undergo further investigation such as CT scans, MRI, angiogram, myelogram, spinal tap and biopsy.

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