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Jakarta, currently the incidence of noncommunicable diseases is increasing in number. But among the many non-communicable diseases, there are four main types of non-communicable diseases that affects many.

Non-communicable diseases are also called chronic illnesses suffered for a long time and grow slowly. Four major non-communicable diseases are cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke), cancer, chronic respiratory disease (lung disease and asthma) and diabetes.

"The disease is not contagious attacks the productive age group, so that could affect the nation's economy and productivity," said Minister of Health Dr Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, MOH, DrPH National Meeting in the event the Partnership Strategy Control of Communicable Diseases in Strengthening Health Systems in the Era of Decentralization in Balai Kartini, Thursday (08/18/2011).

Minister of Health said treatment for non-communicable diseases takes a long and costly, so not only affect the economy of the sufferer but also their families.

"Four of this disease does not include mental health, although not cause mortality but this condition can become chronic," said Menkes.

Meanwhile, Minister of Health said in a draft state budget of 2012 reflection on health is only increasing slightly. It required cooperation from various parties such as the cross-government and private sectors, professional organizations, community organizations and all levels of society.

"Therefore, prevention activities are needed and well-planned structured so that the impact can be seen in the coming years. This program should not be done alone but work together with others," he said.

In addition Indonesia is currently facing a double burden, where infectious disease remains a significant health problem but at the same time morbidity (illness) and mortality (death rate) due to noncommunicable diseases is increasing.

An increasing number of non-communicable diseases are triggered by various risk factors including smoking, unhealthy diet (eating less fruit and vegetables), lack of physical activity and have unhealthy lifestyles.

Some non-communicable diseases control programs have been done by the government since 2005 such as the promotion of clean and healthy behaviors as well as tobacco control issues (related regulatory areas without a cigarette).

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