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Glaucoma is an eye disease characterized by nerve damage to vision (optic nerve) are typical and impaired visual field corresponding to nerve damage that occurs. In most cases of glaucoma will be found to increase the pressure within the eyeball (intra-ocular pressure / IOP) and the factors that generally can be treated to reduce the risk progresifitasnya.


(Figure 1. Optic nerve damage due to glaucoma) is taken from JJKansky

Divided into Glaucoma Glaucoma Glaucoma Acute and Chronic

Symptoms of Acute Glaucoma:

Very severe pain on the eyes, headaches, to nausea, vomiting. Vision perceived downward spiral and the eyes look red. This condition is called acute glaucoma caused by a sudden increase in IOP

Symptoms of Chronic Glaucoma:

Rarely complained of eye, because it generally increases the pressure that occurs has lasted longer and the eyes have adapted to the patient.

This situation is very dangerous, disease continues while the patient is not aware of it. Glaucoma sufferers will often menabrak-nabrak/tersandung and often unaware of his surroundings (like wearing blinders). Patients experiencing a narrowing field of vision (like looking through a keyhole).

In Surabaya Eye Clinic (SEC) to do various checks Glaucoma

       1. Examination of Intra-ocular pressure (IOP) with Schiotz tonometry, Non-Contact tonometry.
       2. Funduscopic examination (examination of the retina and optic nerve)
             Funduscopic examination can be done using the ophthalmoscope,
             magnifying lenses (78D, 90D) or by indirect fundoscopy (Schepen)
       3. Perimetri (broad examination of vision)
And Surabaya Eye Clinic serves on Glaucoma treatment either with drugs or surgery for glaucoma are aimed at lowering eye pressure and preserve vision.

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