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Within days, Ramadan will arrive. Well, this time we felt it was important to bring forward an article about fasting and breastfeeding. The following article written by the Breastfeeding Association of Indonesia (AIMI) -

Hopefully useful ...
Full month of worship for Muslims in the world. One of worship that must be done every Muslim who has baligh (of age) were fasted. Well, what about pregnant women and breastfeeding?
Fasting Ramadan law remains mandatory for pregnant and lactating mothers. Alhamdulillah, Islam gives allowances for pregnant and nursing mothers not to fast by fasting at another time or ransom.

The first, returned to the motivation or intent. If pregnant and lactating women do not do the fasting for health worry him, so he considered himself like a sick person. So how to change fast with the fast changing dikala the sick, by fasting another day. However, if worried about her baby, is regarded as the parents who have no ability to pay in addition to the fast way to replace it-like-that way parents with ransom.
Secondly, pregnant or nursing a ransom just enough without having to fast. Because neither fasting is not due to illness, but because of circumstances that make it incapable of fasting. His case is closer to parents who are unable to fast.

What and how to ransom? Fidyah is to feed the poor. One day of fasting was replaced with one fidyah. The size of feed is for the portion we eat 3 meals a day, which is about a mud or 600 grams. If the money was prepared, at cost we eat 3 meals a day.
When giving fidyah, there are procedures do as well. One thing to remember is do not forget to say news handover / consent granted. For example "I am a ransom to you, please welcome". If you ask someone else who gave it, "Mrs. A ransom to you, please welcome".
Well, for breastfeeding mothers who want to fast how? During the condition of mother and baby healthy, then allowed to fast. However, if the concern occurred unwanted things, such as malnutrition, decreased milk production, illness, etc., Islam advised not to fast.
Breastfeeding Lactation Management Who's Fasting
With the change in eating schedule, it does not mean food intake dikonsumsipun changed. Importantly, breastfeeding mothers still eat 3 meals a day and the discipline to consume foods with balanced nutrition, with the composition of 50% carbohydrate, 30% protein and 10-20% fat.
Then, the following things can be done to ensure that the mother's milk production during fasting remains smooth and quality:

Balanced menus with nutritional intake

Mothers who are breastfeeding does require about 700 additional calories per day, 500 calories taken from the mother's diet and 200 calories derived from fat reserves in the mother's body. Therefore, it is important for breastfeeding mothers who are fasting to keep eating 3x a day with a menu of balanced nutrition. At dawn, when breaking the fast and prayer before bed after tarawih. Meal would produce useful energy for our activities that day. Composition of foods with balanced nutrition will produce the foods good for children.
Increase consumption of fluids, ranging from breaking until dawn

If you can drink water during the day as much as two-liter, coupled with other types of liquids such as fruit juice, hot tea and milk. Drink a glass of milk every meal can reduce the threat of anemia in pregnant and lactating mothers. Anemia is a decrease in hemoglobin (Hb) in blood. Breaking the fast by drinking warm drinks, will stimulate the smooth milk for breastfeeding mothers.
Get plenty of rest

Feel faint when fasting was a common thing, especially if the mother has just breastfeeding. Try to rest for a moment, whether by sleeping or just relaxing calm the mind. Breastfeeding mothers need to know, that the more breast sucked by the baby, then milk production will be more and more. So, if during fasting remain diligent lactating mothers, breast milk will remain smooth.
Working Mother
Working mothers correct nutrition in the workplace are advised to keep doing the milking milk usual activities with due regard to these tips, as already mentioned above this. Re-adhered to the principle of demand and supply, the more milk removed the more milk will be produced. If a nursing mother who used to stop milking memerahnya activities during the month of fasting, then the milk produced can be reduced, which is not caused by fast activity but because it reduces the activity was flushed.
However, breast-fed baby is right. So, heed the interests of the baby. For mothers with babies under 6 months, it is recommended not to fast because the baby is in the stage of exclusive breastfeeding and have not obtained any additional food except breast milk.
Congratulations pilgrimage fasting month of Ramadan ...

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