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Jakarta - has been wearing glasses or contact lenses? Or the sight began to blur? Eat carrots and strawberries regularly can make the eyes healthier. There is also another very good food to maintain health and beauty of your eyes.

Wearing sunglasses, not only because of the age factor alone. But more because the retina is no longer cast shadows properly. There are a number of foods that can be consumed regularly. Not only tasty but the eye make sense!

Source of nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, betakarotein, and antioxidants called leutin urgently needed to reduce the risk of macular degeneration due to aging. In addition, omega-3 also plays an important role to protect the eyes from degeneration of the retina and prevent dry eye.

Here are foods that can make the eyes healthier and more beautiful:

This orange-colored vegetables have vitamin A, precursors, and betakarotein who can maintain good health and on the surface of the eyelid. In addition betakarotein or antioxidants contained therein serve to protect cells - eye cells from damage caused by free radicals caused by pollution and excessive sun exposure.

Sweet Red
Because vitamin A, C and betakaroten quite high, red sweet enough to ward off free radicals. Maintaining eye health and can reduce the black shadow on the eye bags.

In this tiny fruits are vitamin C, B, folate, fiber and many contain phytochemicals that can prevent cancer. Vitamin C is found in strawberries is one of the nutrients used Age-Related Eye Disease Study, sponsored by the Eye Institute, to strengthen connective tissue and maintaining healthy blood vessels in the eye.

The fruit is also known as a source of vitamin C, fiber, folate, calcium and potassium which may help maintain eye health. In addition, it can also serve as menjagakesehatan heart and immune system.

Almond has vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids are good for the heart. Also good for protecting the health of the eye from free radicals caused by sun exposure and excessive air pollution.

Oysters have minerals, proteins, antioxidants and zinc is quite high. Therefore able to maintain eye health and can maintain the immune system.

These green vegetables contain lutein, a large associated with vitamin A. Studies show that people who ate green leafy vegetables have a decreased risk of macular degeneration. Spinach also provide iron, vitamin K, folate and low calories, good for the eyes.

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