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People who have suffered heart attacks often experience muscle injury and reduced cardiac function. A study done post-heart attack treatment trials using intralipid fat. The results of further damage caused by heart attacks can be prevented.
Intralipid is the essential fats that can not be made by the human body but obtained from foods such as soy or supplements. Fat is necessary for the regulation of nerve impulses. These fats can increase blood circulation to the brain by clearing the fat that accumulates along the walls of the circulatory system.Usually used as a nutrient that intralipid administered through the blood vessels to treat symptoms of overdose of local anesthetic.
But the discovery made Dr. Siamak Rahman, professor of anesthesiology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA found that intralipid can also protect the heart from the damage of heart attack patients.
Quoted from ScienceDaily, Monday (08/08/2011), for the treatment of heart attacks focused on limiting the duration of the ischemic period, when blood flow to tissues is reduced. Treatment is then performed by opening the arteries to normalize coronary blood flow. But the injury to the heart muscle can occur after oxygen and nutrients in the bloodstream back to the cells undergoing shortages. This phenomenon is known as reperfusion injury.
But this new study conducted to identify how Intralipid, can prevent heart damage and help maintain cardiac function. Fat is used when blood flows back to the heart immediately after a heart attack.
This study shows intralipid may help maintain cell function when the body is stressed. This study introduces a new way to reduce heart muscle damage due to reperfusion injury or extend the tolerance due to oxygen-deficient organs.
This finding has the potential to be developed as a therapy in the future because this technique is not limited to the heart alone. The researchers say that this method can be used for each organ blood flow becomes blocked or used in organs for transplantation.

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