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Jakarta, sagging breasts often a concern that pregnant and lactating mothers. It is often the reason some women who do not want to breastfeed her child. Though there are several ways that no sagging breasts after pregnancy and lactation.

Breast sagging is actually mostly due to genetic influences. This condition is also normally occurs in older women because breast tissue melorotnya, regardless of whether the woman had given birth or not.

But that does not mean preventing or slowing the process of breast sagging is impossible. In fact, women can do several ways to keep the breast still tight, including after giving birth and breastfeeding.

Here are some ways that no sagging breasts after pregnancy, as reported by LIVESTRONG on Monday (8/15/2011):

1. Choose the right bra
Wear clothes that support during pregnancy. Protect breasts from sagging begins before birth. As the pregnancy progresses, your breasts will become larger. Just follow its growth by buying a bigger bra. Sticking with an ill-fitting bra will cause discomfort and will not provide proper support to the breast.

2. Monitor weight gain during pregnancy
According to the Mayo Clinic, weight gain 11 to 16 pounds a healthy weight gain that occurs in pregnant women. If the weight gain of pregnant women exceeds that amount, the excess weight will spread throughout the body, including the breast. The greater weight increase during pregnancy, the more relaxation processes that occur in the breast.

3. Keep skin moist
Maintain skin moisture can keep the skin supple so as to prevent any breast engorgement.

4. Prepare some bras after giving birth
When you breastfeed, your breasts will change size gradually. When the baby is still young and frequent feeding, the breast is relatively larger. Then when the babies start adding solid foods, the breast will return to pre-pregnancy size. But if you do not breastfeed, do not expect your breasts will return to normal soon.

5. Reduce weight slowly
Do not rush to lose weight because of child-bearing age can affect the skin elasticity. In order to remain taut breasts after giving birth, derive the weight slowly.

6. Do exercise that tightens the breast
Sports such as lifting weights can strengthen the muscles that support the chest and back. Exercise not only helps you lose weight and reduce stress, but also can strengthen the muscles that support the breast tissue, the muscles in the back, which helps you to stand upright.

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