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White revolution as the intelligence to realize the ideals of the nation's mandatory to be implemented. Just like the question of consumption levels are still low, the preferences of the people will kind of milk is also demanding a correction. More than 80% of world consumption of milk in liquid form, and certainly Indonesia did not go in it.

Milk is a natural drink, is rich in nutrients that are difficult to surpass. In Arab culture, he termed as the drink of the prophets. This is partly because no less, Muhammad, his prophet Muslims refer to milk as a beverage most important and advisable to consume them every day. As a Muslim-majority country, Indonesia would logically adopts what the prophet taught. But the facts say otherwise. Not in line with the logic, the Indonesian nation was recorded as a people with a bad pattern of milk consumption.

Milk consumption levels of Indonesian society is still very low which is a separate issue and requires systemic corrective action, because it determines the quality of human resources in Indonesia, both aspects of health and intelligence. But, in addition to the still low level of consumption, preference (choice of) the community will be the type of milk consumed are also demanding a correction. Senyampang issue a new level of consumption at the point of 9 kg / cap / yr alias 1 cup per week, aka 20 drops per day, there is wrong anyway, from Indonesia in the way people consume milk. Indonesian society is more familiar with milk powder instead of fresh milk or fresh milk. More than 90% of the citizens of this country used to consume milk powder or condensed form, and no more than 10% who drank daily in liquid form. In fact genious, people of the world consumes in the form of fresh milk or fresh milk, as it often appears in the movie-movie from the developed countries.

"More than 80% of the world consumes in the form of fresh milk, which Indonesia certainly not enter therein. Indonesian society is much more familiar with processed milk, powdered or condensed form. "Similarly, comments Dedi Setiadi, Chairman GKSI (Joint Cooperative Susu Indonesia) in Bandung TROBOS met last June. This fact is regrettable Dedi, and thought must be straightened. Because the consumption of fresh milk can be sure to give better profit than processed milk. He reasoned, than originally created with the advantages of milk rich in nutrients that are not owned by any other food, so that the excessive manipulation of some of the benefits would be reduced. Drinking fresh milk is the most appropriate choice to obtain the perfection of the benefits of a glass of milk.

Weak point of Milk Powder
According to Dedi, milk powder processing plant results that many in the market, its main raw materials are imported milk. Called Dedi, imported milk is not milk but the milk that has been completed eliminated its butterfat (fat), "His name is skim milk powder (skim milk powder)." In the processing into milk powder is added as a fat substitute from palm oil (palm oil) . So that the fat is vegetable fat instead of animal fat anymore. So milk that has undergone a modification which is the main ingredient of processed milk is sometimes also called recombined milk. Instead of fresh milk straight from a local cattle ranch.

Found separately, Ali Khomsan nutrition experts from the IPB does not fully agree with that view. In her opinion, nutrition, milk powder contains nutrients that are not different from fresh milk. Nutritionist in the processing industry has been counting the balance of nutrients in it. He confirmed, during the processing of several substances such as vitamins that are vulnerable to the heat will be damaged. But to counterbalance this, the manufacturer affixes vitamins provide a replacement, and some other elements, in lieu of reduced nutrition during processing. In principle, there is no problem in terms of nutrient content throughout the presentation of rules and procedures met the consumer.

According to Ali, the main purpose is to milk as a source of calcium, while other nutrients such as protein and vitamins are owned several other animal food with higher levels. "So milk is a major source of calcium, is the main substance of the milk," he explained. From a glass of milk contains 300 mg of calcium. And as also mentioned in a scientific journal American output, either fresh milk, low-fat milk (1%) and nonfat milk contains calcium equivalent. That nothing less than low-fat milk, except for fat. (See table).

Calcium (mg) Kalories Fat (g)
Fat free / Skim 300 90 0
Low-fat (1%) 300 100 02.05
Less fat (2%) 300 120 5
Whole milk (3.25%) 300 150 8
Low-fat chocolate milk (1%) 290 160 2.5

However, Ali pointed out, the consumption of powdered milk has a major weak point in the standard presentation. There are several critical points that have the potential to make a glass of milk ready to drink is not equivalent to fresh milk. Presentation of errors can be caused because the level of consumer understanding is still lacking, or can be caused by arson. With ngirit reasons, not infrequently the users of powdered milk to reduce the dose accordingly. "The milk is considered, as long as it's white enough. Though the concentration is absolute, "said Ali. Not to mention the matter of hygiene is often a constraint in the presentation. Level of public awareness Indonesia would "hygien" still low, conditions of hygiene to close the entry of germs opportunities often not ignored. These critical points to minus points from the presence of a glass of milk from milk powder.

Ali was very fully support the efforts of drinking liquid milk. "The culture of drinking milk societies to be changed gradually," said Ali. Not only reason milk powder has a value of minus, as explained, but also because of drinking fresh milk will give you profit from the price aspect. During this milk by some people still considered a luxury item that was bought. That's because it is in the subconscious is the processed milk available on the market in expensive packaging. Not so when the milk fresh. Fresh milk certainly more affordable.

Chairman of the Board of dairy, Teguh Boediyana provide information on how to compare the price of milk powder with fresh milk. Say, 1 kg of milk powder equivalent to 8 liters of fresh milk, the milk powder in the packaging box 800 grams equals 6.4 liters. With prices ranging from Rp 48 thousand / boxes can be calculated per liter of fresh milk equivalent of Rp 7,500. While the current price of milk at the cooperative level is absorbed IPS Rp 3,600 for TS 12% (excellent quality). These calculations illustrate the price of milk powder per liter of fresh milk equivalent of twice the purchase price of fresh milk directly at farmers. With a more affordable price of milk, milk consumption will be more evenly to the layer that has been untouched. In turn, the cultural consumption of fresh milk will encourage increased intake of milk nationally. So the campaign for Ali to drink fresh milk is more on the reasons for the boost consumption levels, rather than nutritional reasons.

Creating Alternative Markets
Changing culture is not easy, it takes effort not easy and inexpensive. "It takes a lot of party's commitment to change this mindset. And the main draft no-can-not be the government! "Back Dedi who is also Chairman of West Java GKSI stressed. Especially dealing with the promotion of powdered milk advertising in various media. "The image thus processed milk high polished on mass media advertising, to the substance of their milk sink in between the exposed particle substances in milk," said Dedi. "Moreover, sweetened condensed, 80% of the ingredient is sugar. So that means drinking milk sugar taste, "he joked. But it was packaged in such a way that the shortage is gone altogether.

The first step is most likely and reasonable to do is to introduce fresh drinking milk at school children. "This group must get used to drink fresh milk or fresh milk," said Dedi Ali is also presented. Both convey, the meaning of fresh milk or fresh milk is pasteurized milk and UHT milk (Ultra High Temperature) are mostly found in the market. Slightly different, Smith said another one, milk sterilization. But according to Ali in principle the same sterilization and UHT.
Producing liquid milk is not difficult, according to Smith's conviction. All primary cooperatives capable of producing liquid milk, "The problem is, the market is still small because of cultural factors earlier." So the idea of ​​a program that has the impact of the creation of the market than ever. "The government formed a captive market, cooperatives provide a product," he expressed the idea. He proposed movement of children drinking milk at school for example PMTAS (Supplementary Food Program for School Children) further intensified. "Getting used to drink milk once a week, with funding from the government, so intelligent solutions," said Ali matching.

Funds could be from the education department, or departments of health or social. Smith added that the program is only temporary. "Two years for example, then the child will be accustomed or addicted to milk and voluntarily use the allowance to buy milk," Dedi algebra. What happened during this, children are not accustomed to drinking milk every day in the middle of play or school activities.

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