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FOOD is delicious in this article are good for your heart health. Including how best to store food.
Here is food that will keep your heart healthy. Well as the proper way to store food so that benefits are not reduced during the consumption.
1. Almond
Nuts Almonds contain vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin E, magnesium and zinc as a whole will make your heart are in the mood is good. Eating almonds 1 / 4 cups a day is much healthier than a bag of chips. Almond is a delicious breakfast you can intervene on your oatmeal. Hmm ... definitely tasty and savory.
Storing tips:
Buy toasted almonds without salt and store in an airtight container.
2. Asparagus
This powerful green vegetables to keep your heart health. The content of folate, vitamin C and vitamin D will prevent your heart from inflammation. In addition, asparagus is also low in calories. You can cultivate asparagus by boiling them and then given a splash of olive oil, lemon juice and a little sprinkling of parmesan cheese.
Storing tips:
Buy freshly harvested asparagus. The green can survive if kept on a regular closet, but to be more fresh, you can store in the refrigerator.
3. Red beans
Nuts contain vegetable protein, B vitamins, iron, and calcium. 15 grams in a serving of soup will help fight bad cholesterol that is harmful to your cardiovascular health. Just make red bean soup mixed with tomatoes, carrots, celery and a little pepper.
Storing tips:
Buy dried beans and put into airtight containers and avoid direct sun exposure.
4. Blueberry
Almost all fresh fruit good for keeping your cardiovascular health. But blueberries are the best choice. Fruit with dark purple-blue color is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, both are able to overcome stress and low in calories so it is good for your heart. No need to be processed all sorts, you can eat them straight. Can also be made with a mixture of plain yogurt smoothies, smiles ...
Storing tips:
Buy fresh blueberries and then store in refrigerator.
5. Broccoli
Broccoli contains vitamins B and foliacid, both of which help reduce stress and panic. In addition, natural nutrients to the heart is also good if cooked the right way. Broccoli is best when steamed or boiled in a short time. Then give the lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil if desired and sprinkle with chili powder spicy.
Storing tips:
Buy fresh broccoli in a traditional market. If you want to keep it in a long time, boiled broccoli with water that has been given a little salt for 3 to 4 minutes. Drain and place in container in the freezer. Broccoli will keep up to 2 months.
6. Chocolate
Not just any chocolate, but dark chocolate (with at least 75% cocoa content) will be good for relieving stress and good for your heart. A study at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania showed that eating 6 ounces of dark chocolate a day can lower bad cholesterol levels. For this one, do not need to be processed all kinds, straight bite was delicious too.
Storing tips:
During the period of expiration is still a long, dark chocolate you can buy at a discount rack and store in a house in a dry cupboard away from heat sources.
7. Green leafy vegetables
Spinach, kale, turnip leaves and vegetables with green leaves are a wonderful food because they contain plenty of iron, vitamin C, both good for healthy bones, teeth and hair, besides vitamin D and magnesium content will keep your mood. All that good nutrition will also be good for your heart. Vegetables can be anything you though, do not be too long to cook it so that its natural nutrients are not lost.
Storing tips:
Buy all the vegetables in a fresh condition. You can keep it in the refrigerator and will last for a week. If you put in the freezer will hold for three months.
8. Lean Meat
Somewhat surprising is not it? Meat is usually not an option for maintaining heart health. In fact you can still enjoy red meat (beef, goat, sheep) without fat. 4 to 6 ounces of lean meat to stay healthy for your heart because it is rich in iron, zinc, vitamin B are whole will make you calmer. Lean meats are best you serve in the form of steaks.
Storing tips:
We recommend that you immediately buy lean meat in slaughterhouses. After that wash out and put in freezer.
9. Salmon And Other Fish
The majority of marine fish contain vitamin B6 and B12 can help the body produce serotonin, a substance that will make you relaxed and happy. Marine fish also contain omega-3 good to normalize blood pressure and reduces risk of heart disease. Serve the grilled fish or steamed.
Storing tips:
Choose fish with the freshness that is still good with the fresh fishy smell. Clean the inside of the fish and place in container and store in freezer.
10. Sweet potato
Colored vegetables are always good for your health, including sweet potatoes. Plant tubers are similar to the potato contains antioxidants that will help keep your heart health. Although the form is not attractive, delicious taste and natural sweetness. You can cook the sweet potatoes to steam it or cut it in small size and mixed with grilled chicken.
Storing tips:
Fresh sweet potatoes that you store at home you should keep it away from the red onion because it will be easily damaged. Keep away from heat also make it more durable.
11. Walnuts
Walnuts are one type of bean that has tremendous benefits. The content of alpha-linolenic acid that is part of the omega 3 can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. This delicious nut can you eat as a snack. You can also mix in your breakfast oatmeal with blueberry pieces.
Storing tips:
Just like other nuts. Buy walnuts dried without salt. Store in an airtight container and away from the reach of the sun.
12. Whole Wheat
Whole grains rich in fiber and can make you feel full longer. In addition, whole grains will supply serotonin that will make you feel happy. Eating a half cup of whole grains a day will make the bad cholesterol in the blood decreases. You can eat whole grains need to be watered only instant hot water for taking them.
Storing tips:
Store whole grains in a dry container away from the reach of the sun and make sure no moisture so as not easy to mold. (MPA / ICH)

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