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Jakarta, massage should make people relaxed and refreshed. But some people sometimes feel a headache after a massage. Why is that?
Headaches that occur after a massage is usually not a serious thing, but this condition can still be annoying and make someone no longer willing to perform massage therapy when she needed it.
What penyababnya?
Various factors could be a trigger of headaches after a massage. This is because, as quoted from the LIVESTRONG, Friday (08/12/2011):1. Massage serves to change the flow of blood in the body, such as shrink and make the blood vessels so relaxed.Changes in blood flow can trigger a headache.
2. If accompanied with dehydration or decreased blood sugar levels when he received a massage, then this factor will make someone a headache after a massage.
3. Some therapists say that the headache that comes after the massage is the result of the body to release toxins, but this has not been proven scientifically. Keith Grant, PhD, tells massage therapy does not remove the buildup of lactic acid in muscles and does not help the body remove toxins.
Generally, the headache will appear after a person has completed a massage that made her uncomfortable. In some cases, sometimes accompanied by other symptoms such as flu, nausea or chills.
If these symptoms occur continuously, then try talking to massage therapy to alter the pattern so it does not cause head pain or pain afterwards.
Some things are known can be done to avoid or prevent the emergence of a headache after a massage that is:

Keeping your body to stay hydrated, try to consume enough water before and after a massage
Keeping blood sugar levels to remain normal to eat a snack an hour before a massage
Eating a glass of fruit juice after the massage is finished
Stretch regularly, especially before a massage to keep the muscles warm and supple, thereby reducing the risk of getting a headache or pain.

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