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Do you know if Young Coconut Water Good for consumption, if you've been thinking that coconut water can relieve thirst just when you're thirsty. Here are some reviews of the benefits of young coconut water has many benefits for the health of our bodies.

Coconut juice turned out to have properties and exceptional nutritional value. Not only the macro elements of nitrogen and carbon, but also much-needed micro elements in the body of coconut water. Nitrogen element inside a protein molecule composed of amino acids, such as alanine, cystine, arginine, opy, and serine.
Compared to the amino acid contained in cow's milk, amino acids contained in coconut water was higher. While the carbon element can be found in the form of simple carbohydrates such as glucose, sucrose, fructose, sorbitol, inositol, and others. Similarly, micro elements in the form of coconut water mineral ions needed as a substitute for the body. Worthy indeed, when the young coconut drink our body feel fresh again.

When examined further, coconut water was also concentrated sources of vitamins. Among the dominant vitamin C, nicotinic acid, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, and riboflavin. No wonder the coconut water is also used as an ingredient of traditional medicine as well as beauty. In addition, in particular, coconut water is rich in potassium (potash). Besides minerals, coconut water also contains sugar (varying between 1.7 to 2.6 percent) and protein (0.07 to 0.55 per cent). Because the nutrient composition as such, the coconut water has the potential to be used as raw materials for food products.

In the Philippines, coconut water is used for the manufacture of beverages, jelly, alcohol, dektran, vinegar and nata de coco. In Indonesia, used as a drink of coconut water (coconut water) and the media making nata de coco.

What are the benefits of coconut water?

a. Coconut water is efficacious as a diuretic, which is to expedite expenditure of urine. Young coconut water mixed with a little lemon juice is useful to overcome dehydration, also to combat disorder in the stomach worm small children.

b. If a young coconut water mixed with milk is very good for children's food. Young coconut water mixtures have properties to prevent clotting of milk in the stomach, vomiting, constipation, and gastrointestinal upset.

c. Coconut water also has a variety of efficacy as medicine. Among other things, to drink young coconut water can also help overcome the toxic effect of other antibiotics and sulfa drugs, making drugs more quickly absorbed the blood.

d. Wash your face with coconut water continuously every day can cure or eliminate acne, black spots, wrinkles on the face that came early, dry skin, and face to look radiant.

e. Mix coconut milk with a little honey. This herb is a cheap but nutritious tonic. This herb stimulates the body's sexual centers and eliminate the harmful effects of excess sexual arousal.

f. Stubborn acne can be treated with a mixture of 25 grams of turmeric paste with a glass of coconut water, then left for the night, then add 3 teaspoons of red sandalwood powder. Stir, stir all ingredients until blended, then saved again undisturbed for 3 days. Strain mixture was with three layers of gauze. Save the juice earlier in the bottle, and apply on face twice a day until the acne disappears.

g. Coconut water is also efficacious as a medicine injuries, broken foot, and eczema. Creating a potion is relatively easy. Soak a handful of rice in a young coconut water with its shell until the rice turns sour because of fermentation, then the rice milled into fine powder. Rice flour is used topically every day for 3-4 days in the sick body.

h. If a young coconut water mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder and water whiting in equal measure is a cure burns and negate the burning sensation on the soles of the feet and hands.

Well, apart from that nothing else ya coconut water types that are known to neutralize the poison, he is a green coconut. Green coconut is sometimes a best medicine for some diseases such as: heartburn, constipation, neutralizing toxins, dengue fever, intestinal worms, dysentery. When used for washing the face, then the benefits of green coconut can eliminate acne, smooths the face skin, tightens the skin (anti aging) and when used to wash it, can prevent the onset of gray hair. In addition, green coconut can also be used as therapy gurah, how to condense a night green coconut water, then drink morning. When this is done every morning, God willing, the sound will become longer and tuneful.

Yups, something like that benefit young coconut water which turned out very much we get when taking it. Hopefully posting times useful to readers as well.

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