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ABSCESS gums (Gum Disease) With your fingers feel swollen and tender gums, sometimes has issued pus.

common causes

* Infection of the roots of the teeth or the teeth around the abscess, or gum infection, or both. Bial untreated, can cause swelling in the face.

You can do

* Take pain medicine if needed and do not menggit on sankut teeth.
* Gargling warm salt water after meals to clean the part (The trick: Put the salt into warm water, gargle, gargle salt water and let stand briefly mentioned in the mouth. Repeat several times).
* Immediately perikasa dental medicine.

Dentist for your actions

* For a dental infection, pockets of infection to be cleared.
* Depending on the weight ringanya infections, dental root treatment may be needed.
* In extreme cases, need antibiotics or teeth need to be removed.
* For apical infection (tooth root), care is needed when the tooth root of the tooth can be saved.

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