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Cyst disease is a disease affecting women. Cyst itself is a fluid-filled bumps in the ovaries. This disease is a benign disease, because most do not handle the big operation. However, based on the level of malignancy, cyst disease can be divided into two kinds:

1. Non-neoplastic cysts, that are benign and will usually deflate their own after 2 to 3 months

2. Neoplastic cysts, these cysts are generally required surgery, but it also depends on the size and nature

According to Drs. dr. T. Z. Jacoeb, SpOG-KFER, cysts can not only grow in the ovaries ovariom or women only, but can also grow in the lungs, intestines and even in the brain. Cyst disease can be caused by air pollution and dust.

The presence of dioxin from the factory smoke and combustion gases can lower motor endurance of human body which will later help the growth of cysts. Apart from dietary factors, excess fat or fat are not healthy will lead to fatty substances can not be broken down in metabolic processes that will increase the hormone testosterone.

There are four kinds of ovarian cysts. Functional cysts, dermoid, chocolate (endometriosis) and gland cysts (cystadenoma). Until now still not known how the occurrence of cysts. Usually grow very slowly and common malignancy in the age over 45 years. Of the four cyst is the most widely and frequently shrink itself along with the improving of hormonal balance is a functional cyst.

Cyst disease also can be said or hereditary degenerative diseases. If parents or your grandmother had suffered from cysts or uterine disease, then certainly you are including one of descendants of hereditary cystic disease.

However, the nature does not mean that people with cystic disease, you can prevent the onset of cyst disease with a healthy lifestyle. Avoid foods high in fat, rajinlah exercise and consume foods and beverages that contain antioxidants. Because antioxidants can counteract the free radicals from dust and air pollution.

Although even peynyakit cysts include benign disease, but at this disease has the potential to become malignant disease. And if it had to be like that then it should be treated seriously. Although it has not yet malignant, cysts if terplintir will result in pain that is very sore.

Some symptoms of the onset of cystic disease are pain during menstruation, lower abdominal pain, often felt like a large or small bowel, and the circumstances that have been advanced can be palpable lump in the abdominal area. And if the cyst ruptured, such as during intercourse, the patient will feel increased pain when doing heavy physical activity.

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