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Never underestimate the pain that plagued your joints, all organs of the body feels sick or has an abnormality on your skin. And do not ever feel anything happened if you had a fever above 38 degrees Celsius, prolonged fatigue as well as sensitive to sunlight. It's all part of the symptoms of Lupus Disease.Lupus is a disease of excess immune disease. Lupus disease caused by excessive production of antibodies, so can not work to attack the virus, germs or bacteria in the body, but rather the immune system attacks the body's own cells and tissues.
Disease that is commonly dubbed Duplicator Parade attacked woman and a person called Odapus productive. Although the disease in people with lupus, the skin will occur red rashes and red blotches on the body, the disease is not contagious.Lupus, or health terms is called systemic lupus erythematosus, is a kind of auto-immune disease. Unlike people with HIV / AIDS who lose their immune system caused by HIV virus. Antibodies the immune system or even hyperactivity and turning odapus attack healthy organs. To diagnose this disease with certainty, needed a blood test or skin biopsy. Both are to examine the antibodies that appear when the lupus is active.There are three types of lupus, the Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), discoid lupus, and lupus drug. Lupus drug, resulting from drug side effects will heal itself with drug-related dismiss. Discoid lupus lupus skin manifestations are several types of skin disorders. Moderate SLE Lupus can cause complications such as brain, lung lupus, lupus vascular finger-finger hands or feet, skin lupus, lupus kidney disease, lupus heart, blood lupus, lupus muscle, retina lupus, lupus arthritis, and others.
Lupus is actually known more or less a century ago. At that time, the disease was mistaken for a hyena bites. Allegations that causes the disease is then called lupus means wolf in Latin. In subsequent developments, lupus spread to all organs in the body. Then came the LES as it is.Symptoms that appear in people with lupus, vary, depending on the body systems affected by lupus. However, symptoms are fever, prolonged fatigue, hair loss, and muscle aches. Striking characteristics, is a physical change in people with lupus. Red rash on the face that resembles the shape of butterflies, weakness, and loss of hair is a trait most often occurs in people with lupus.I need to know, lupus can not be regarded as a hereditary disease. Until now, the prevalence of lupus patients due to genetic factors only reach 10%. Allegedly very influential factor is the environment, such as sun exposure, stress, some medications, and viruses.Of the three types of lupus, the discoid lupus most often attacked. However, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is always more severe than discoid lupus, and can invade organs or body systems. In some people, just skin and the joints are attacked. Even so, the others can damage the joints, lungs, kidneys, blood, organs or other tissues. While lupus is caused by the use of drugs commonly associated with drug hydralazine (drug hypertension) and procainamide (to treat irregular heartbeat). Only, only 4% of people taking drugs that would establish the cause of lupus antibodies. Of 4% was too little was then suffering from lupus.
Although not all odapus sensitive to sunlight, they are advised to avoid exposure to direct sunlight for a long time because of disease recurrence often occurs after exposure to ultraviolet light. For this reason, lupus patients are encouraged out of the house before 09.00 or after 16.00. And while traveling, patients put on sun block or sun screen (protective skin from the sun) on the skin that will be exposed.For lupus patients whose disease is active, rarely get pregnant because it can cause miscarriage. Odapus also advised to avoid estrogen-containing contraceptives. If pregnant, the illness must be controlled regularly. Or preferably, just after recovery planning a pregnancy.There are two categories of drugs that can be used in the treatment of lupus, the corticosteroid groups and classes in addition to corticosteroids. Corticosteroids is a major drug classes of lupus disease. For skin disorders is given in the form of topical (ointments, creams, or liquids). For mild lupus used corticosteroids in the form of low-dose tablets. If lupus has been in severe conditions, use of corticosteroids in the form of tablets or injections of high doses.

Drugs other than corticosteroids is usually a complement of a corticosteroid. Among this class of drug is anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to deal with complaints of pain and swollen joints; antimalarial drugs (kloroquin / resochin, dihydroxy kloroquin / Plaquenil) to treat symptoms of diseases of the skin, hair, muscle and joint pain, even for odapus with symptoms mild, and kind of immunosuppressive drugs for conditions that accompanied siklofostamid kidney disorders, azathioprine which is a companion drug to the needs of corticosteroids corticosteroids can be reduced, and chlorambucil.Currently, life expectancy with lupus has been getting better. Moreover, there is now a new drug called Lymphostat-B. The drug was introduced in the international congress of lupus in New York, some time ago, it could restore the activity of auto-immune to normal. (Various sources / IDH)
As disclosed in the booklet Care for Lupus (Syamsi Dhuha), Lupus is a general designation of a disorder called Lupus Erythematosus.In simple terms, a person can be said to suffer from the disease Lupus Erythematosus when the body becomes allergic to itself. Lupus is a term from the Latin word for wolf.This is due to this disease generally have a butterfly-shaped rash or a red rash on the cheek butterfly similar in cheek Wolves, but white.This disease in medical science called Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), namely when the disease has invaded the whole human body or internal system. In the science of immunology or immune, the disease is the opposite of cancer or HIV / AIDS. In lupus, the body becomes overreacting to the stimulus of something foreign and making too many antibodies or proteins such that even directed against the body's own tissues. Thus, lupus is called an autoimmune disease (immune diseases with excessive).This type of lupus disease has three forms, the first of cutaneous lupus, often called discoid which affects the skin. Second, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) that attack organs such as skin, joints, lungs, blood, blood vessels, heart, kidneys, liver, brain, and nerves. Third, the Drug Induced Lupus (DIL), arises because the use of certain drugs. After use is stopped, symptoms will generally disappear.and usually odipus (people living with lupus) will avoid things that can make the disease relapsed with:1. Avoiding stress2. Make sure to avoid direct sunlight3. Reduce the excessive workload4. Avoiding the use of certain drugs.Odapus can memeriksakaan dokter2 observer on this disease, a specialist in internal medicine hematology consultation, Rheumatology, kidney, hypertension, allergy immunology, if lupus can be insurmountable, medication regularly, take regular medication that is given by a physician (which is usually taken for life) , odipus will be able to live like normal people.

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