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ONE disorders of the eye to watch early is myopia. The disorder generally occurs at age children through adolescence. To overcome or cure it, other than medical, you can use the betel leaf.Myopia is the medical term for nearsightedness. A condition where the eye can see close objects, but fled when seeing distant objects. In termonologis, "myopia" is derived from the Greek word for squint. Patients with this disorder are always squinting to see more distant objects clearly. That is one of the main characteristics of patients with myopia.According to Dewi Safitri, specialist eye treatment with betel leaf therapy, the typical progression of myopia is a disorder that continues to increase until adolescence, then declines in young adulthood. Although somewhat rare, myopia can be caused by changes in the curvature of the cornea or the lens of the eye deformities.Typically, myopia occurs because the prolonged axis of the eyeball, so that the eye-shaped oval. This causes the elongation axis of refractive media is difficult to focus the light beam. In line with the prolonged axis of the eyeball, the degree of myopia increases. At the age of children through adolescence, the process of elongation of the eyeball can be part of the body growth. Added degree of myopia requires an increasingly heavy glasses degrees strength. Therefore, patients, patients at the age of 20-40 years are encouraged to check every 6 months.
SymptomsIn nearsightedness (myopia, minus the eyes), the axis of the eye is too convex, so the shadows fall in front of the retina. As a result, distant objects are not clearly visible. Without glasses, nearsighted patients will experience headaches and pain in the eye.Symptoms include throbbing head pain, especially the front, eyes sore and heavy, feels like going out and tears melt excessive. This condition usually improves when the eye rested or with taking medication antinyeri. But often recur some time later.Is myopia can cause headaches? Myopia can indeed cause headaches. For a person with myopia, when viewing myopia, when viewing distance, a shadow fell in front of the retina, thereby reducing the curvature of the lens. Changes in the ability of convexity is called eye accommodation. Berakomodasi eyes continuously for a long time will cause fatigue. This is what sparked eyestrain headaches and pain in the eye.
Betel Leaf TherapyWhy betel leaf? This plant has many properties to prevent health problems and treat disease. In Chinese pharmacology, known as the betel plant that has a warm and spicy nature. They use betel leaves to shed fart, stop coughing, reduce inflammation and relieve itching. In India, the betel leaf is known as a warm aromatic substances, is antiseptic, and even enhance sex drive.According to Dewi, betel leaves contain essential oils, namely kadinen, kavikol, sineol, eugenol, and karvakol. Essential oil of betel leaf contains seskuiterpen, starch, diatase, sugar, and tanning substances and kavikol, having deadly germs, antioksidasi, fungicides, and antifungal. Betel leaf contains an antifungal agent. Betel leaves contain an antiseptic agent on all parts.To find out the disease suffered by the patient, usually first goddess rubbing his left palm with oil kasturi. Herein lies the privilege Goddess. He can find a variety of patient illnesses by looking at the palm of his own hands. That means Goddess of diagnosing a patient's disease.
After that he take medication. The first was conducted by the Goddess is menotok nerve in the eye area. "The eye is not circular, so be careful," he said. Then he gave some betel leaves for treatment at home. Betel leaf folded into four sections. Shaped section of bone on the outside. After that, the betel leaf affixed in the eye with hansaplast and leave overnight. This is to remove impurities that exist in the eye.
Dewi also provide drug cocktail that has been formed into a capsule. "If the form of herbs, usually people will be lazy for a drink.'s Why Mother racik into capsules," he said.

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